We know, there are a zillion of different online booking systems for hotel booking. But if you haven't visited Oslo before, and you don't have a clue where everything is, we recommend you to contact the Tourist Information in Oslo. Although you might not come here for the tourist attractions, they will gladly help you find a nice hotel room at a fair price (contact information and some recommended hotels are listed below). You can also visit them online at where you can book hotel rooms, or get information on things to do in Oslo when your ...visiting NPW'06.
If your planing on staying in Oslo for the weekend after the NPW'06, be sure to check out things like the Oslo Pass, wich provides free travel on all public transport, free admission to museums and sights, free parking, and discounts on car rental, etc. Basicly, get to know Oslo before you visit us! :) And for you music-lovers: The Norwegian Wood Music Festival takes place the weekend after NPW'06, so be sure to check it out if you're in to outdoor-festivals.
How to contact the Tourist Information in Oslo:
Phone: +47 815 30 555 (Mon-Fri 09-16) / fax: +47 23 15 88 11
E-mail: /
Street address:
The Tourist Information by the Central Station, Trafikanten Service Centre, Jernbanetorget 1, 0154 Oslo
The Tourist Information Centre by the City Hall, Fridtjof Nansens plass 5, 0160 Oslo
Recommended hotels
Thon Hotel Spectrum
Hotel room prices
Check-in day | Single room | Double room | Availability (may 8st) |
Wednesday | 565 | 765 | Few (< 20) |
Thursday | 565 | 765 | Few (< 20) |
Friday | 565 | 765 | Some (< 40) |
Saturday | 565 | 765 | Some (< 40) |
Thon Hotel Munch
- Quite central location
- Has WLAN in many rooms
- For conference rebate, ask for the "UNIOSL" customer code prices
- Remember to reserve room early!
Hotel room prices
Check-in day | Single room | Double room | Availability (may 8th) |
Wednesday | 565 | 765 | Some (< 40) |
Thursday | 565 | 765 | Some (< 40) |
Friday | 565 | 765 | Some (< 40) |
Saturday | 565 | 765 | Some (< 40) |
Thon Hotel Astoria
- Very central location
- Has WLAN in many rooms
- For conference rebate, ask for the "UNIOSL" customer code prices
- Remember to reserve room early!
Hotel room prices
Check-in day | Single room | Double room | Availability (may 8th) |
Wednesday | 565 | 765 | Some (< 40) |
Thursday | 565 | 765 | Good (< 80) |
Friday | 565 | 765 | Good (< 80) |
Saturday | 565 | 765 | Good (< 80) |
Norlandia Hotel Karl Johan
Hotel room prices
Check-in day | Single room | Double room | Availability (may 8th) |
Wednesday | 875 | 1075 | Few (< 20) |
Thursday | 875 | 1075 | Almost full (< 5) |
Friday | 745 | 990 | Full |
Saturday | 745 | 990 | Full |