Wiki - WhoStaysWhere
For the list of recommended hotels see the Hotels entry
Best Western Anker
* Gabor Szabo (szabgab) (15-25/4)
* Martin Berends (mberends) (15-19/4)
* Peter Makholm (brother) (15-17/4)
* user:lbr (15-18/4)
* Erik Johansen (uniejo) (15-17/4)
* Patrick Michaud (Pm) (15-21/4)
* Stefan Hornburg (Racke) (15-18/4)
* Carl Mäsak (masak) (15-19/4)
* Claes Jakobsson (claes) (15-19/4)
* Jonathan Worthington (jnthn) (15-21/4)
* Andrey Shitov (ash) (15-19/4)
* Felix Antonius Wilhelm Ostmann (Sadrak) (15-21/4)
* Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (maddingue) (15-18/4)
* Anatoly Sharifulin (sharifulin) (15-19/4)
* user:hanekomu (15-20/4)
Last modified: 14/04/09 09:48 by Marcel Grünauer (Marcel)
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