Conference is over!
18-Apr-2009 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)We're done! The feedback has been positive and we had a very nice party to finish it all off on friday night. Thanks for everything! :)
Meet-up on Wednesday before the conference
13-Apr-2009 by Karl Rune Nilsen (krunen)Everybody is invited to meet up on Wednesday before the conference.
We'll meet at the Dubliner Pub in Rådhusgata 28 from 18:00: Google Maps
Most popular talks?
06-Apr-2009 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)Wondering what others would like to attend at NPW? Now you can find out for yourself on the Favorite Talks page!
Registration deadline extended!
01-Apr-2009 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)The deadline for registering to NPW has been extended to April 6th, 2009. After this, we can't guarantee attendees any t-shirts. Register now!
NPW'06 flashback: Barely Legal XXX Perl (Jos Boumans)
01-Apr-2009 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)
Jos Boumans gives his infamous talk about the dirty secrets of Perl at Nordic Perl Workshop 2006
Rakudo Perl release #15 is named "Oslo"
23-Mar-2009 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)Patrick Michaud, lead developer of Rakudo Perl (the Perl 6 implementation using the "Parrot" virtual machine) has announced that "This release is named "Oslo" in honor of the organizers of the 2009 Nordic Perl Workshop"."
Thanks, Patrick!
Go Open 2008 flashback: Testing on a massive scale (Adam Kennedy)
23-Mar-2009 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)Adam Kennedy tells us about testing on a massive scale, and how the world's largest single-namespace software repository (CPAN, the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) attempts to solve the problems that come from attempting to test everything.
NPW'06 flashback: Seven Principles For Transforming Difficult Tasks (Michael Schwern)
17-Mar-2009 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)Michael Schwern tells us about the seven principles of making difficult tasks simple. Each principle will be illustrated first using a physical example, then an example in a computer user interface and finally it will be shown applied directly to programming.
The seven principles are:
- Use both knowledge in the world and knowledge in the head
- Simplify the structure of tasks
- Make things visible
- Get the mappings right
- Exploit the power of constraints
- Design for error
- When all else fails, standardize
Talk by Michael Schwern at Nordic Perl Workshop 2006
NPW'06 flashback: Agile Development in Theory and Practice (Johannes Brodwall)
28-Feb-2009 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)Johannes Brodwall from the Oslo Agile Meetup talks about "Agile Development in Theory and Practice."
Test Automation training, April 21-24th 2009
18-Feb-2009 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)In the week after the NPW and the Perl 6/EPO Hackathon, on April 21-24th 2009, Gabor Szabo will be teaching his course on Test Automation. It is based on the 3-day course given in 2008 (right after the Perl QA Hackathon), but has since then been expanded to 4 days.
The training will take place in the class-rooms of Redpill-Linpro - the same venue as the Perl 6/EPO Hackathon. For further details, see Gabor's announcement and the course introduction (in norwegian) at the website.
Part of the income will go to support/sponsor a Perl project (to be announced later.) Last year the course generated enough income so Gabor could offer a grant to Adam Kennedy for his "Perl on a Stick" project.
This event is separate from the Nordic Perl Workshop. Registration and payments are handled directly by Gabor <>.
NPW'06 flashback: Inside-out objects (Abigail)
17-Feb-2009 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)Abigail ( talks about Inside Out Objects.
NPW'06 flashback: Request Tracker (Jesse Vincent)
09-Feb-2009 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)Jesse Vincent talks about Request Tracker
NPW'06 flashback: Benchmarking Perl (Gisle Aas)
03-Feb-2009 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)Gisle Aas talks about challenges in building a benchmark test suite for perl and lessons learned from perlbench.
NPW'06 flashback: Jifty (Jesse Vincent)
24-Jan-2009 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)Jifty is a new full-stack web framework written in Perl. It comes with built in Continuations, Halos, AJAX/AHAH support, data model and database management, and a Pony.
This talk is a brief overview of Jifty and will give developers the tools they need to get started with their first Jifty application. Discussed are Jifty's innovative declarative syntax, advanced AJAX/AHAH support, Continuations, as well as the suite of tools Jifty comes with that help developers build pretty, modern web applications quickly and painlessly.
NPW'06 flashback: Opening speech
16-Jan-2009 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)We're (finally) publishing the videos from Nordic Perl Workshop 2006! Make sure to subscribe to our syndication feed to get them as soon as they are available.
We're starting slowly with the opening speech.
Extended Deadline for Talk Submission
11-Jan-2009 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)Thanks to everyone who has submitted a talk before the deadline. We would still like to get more speakers, and have decided to extend the deadline by one week, until January 18. 2009, 23:59 CET.
In an effort to attract new speakers, we have also decided to open up for 20 minute talks in addition to the earlier announced 45 minute and 90 minute slots. Submit your talk today!
- The original Call for Papers announcement:
- Talk submissions:
Oslo Perl 6 Hackathon 2009
28-Oct-2008 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)We're arranging a Perl 6 Hackathon in Oslo on April 18-20, 2009, right after the Workshop. As with the very successful Oslo QA Hackathon we arranged earlier this year, we'll be joining forces with Redpill-Linpro to give new and old Perl6 hackers in Oslo a nice opportunity to hack on Rakudo, Parrot or anything else relevant.
The NPW'09 announcement at YAPC::EU (video)
16-Oct-2008 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)Call for papers
15-Oct-2008 by kmThe call for papers is out now!
The workshop's topic is "Your future with Perl" and we're interested in hearing about your talks on these topics:
- Perl 6, Rakudo, Parrot
- Modern use of Perl
- Good testing practices using Perl
- Perl used in new and novel ways
- Your Favourite Topic? (systems administration / life sciences / web development)
To submit a proposal for a talk/presentation, please register your proposed title and an abstract.
Submissions are due midnight (23:59 CET) on January 11th 2009.
Website cleanup
29-Sep-2008 by Salve J. Nilsen (sjn)We're still preparing NPW, even if it's been quiet for a while. Just to show that something's happening, we've updated the website design a little.
Kudos go to Jan Henning "batman" Thorsen and Ole Bendik Kvisberg!!